Friday, 30 November 2007


Did I forget to mention that last weekend was our engagement party? Well, it was! Although we got engaged in July in Canada (at this very spot), we held off until now to have the party in the sun with our friends around.

It was great to catch up with DeVill & family (who flew in from Papua New Guinea for the weekend), Dazzler (who was over from London) and Matt The Pom (who was very sunburnt after a morning soccer tournament - they never learn!).

Do I even need to mention that it got messy and I ended up wearing my Saffa flag (proudly!) in an almost all Aussie crowd? Didn't think so.

Chat soon,


The Divine Miss M said...

Aw, I hope you had a fantastic time :) Looks great!

So when is the wedding?

Terri said...

Well a belated congratulations, Cuz! (And if I congratulated you before forgive me for forgetting... it's an age thing!)

And I for one think you look fantastic in our flag :-)

DelBoy said...

miss m: The wedding is in 2009 in South Africa hopefully so you'd better start planning.
terri: I always look good in a flag, especially OURS!

Anonymous said...

hmmm..that Saffa flag should have been displayed more properly! :)