Thursday, 26 October 2006

Holiday Heaven II

Continuing on from Holiday Heaven, at the end of last week we went down to Wiltshire to spend the weekend with some friends in a little village called Collingbourne Kingston. Nice place - about 12 houses and a pub!

We were spoilt rotten - 3 courses with every meal including a fantastic homemade apple pie!

We also visited Salisbury with her magnificent cathedral and quaint shops and cobblestone streets. On Sunday, we drove down to the coast to visit Hengistbury Head, the site of ancient ruins dating back 10 000 years to the Stone Age. Unfortunately the weather was absolutely terrible so we couldn't do the walk out to the tip of the headland so we snuggled up in the local caff for hot chocolate and a quick sandwich!

I was optomistic and took my bike with me this weekend, but being a fair-weather biker, I never even took it out of the shed! Shame on me!

Next week I'll be on another 'break' as the pub will be shut for 4 days for a Sparkle: a lick of paint and some new furniture and plants to freshen the place up a little! I'll be sanding tables and painting, but you know what they say "A change is as good as a holiday"!

BTW, you are all invited to our re-opening party on Thursday evening from 6pm!!

Chat soon,

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